1.1 The contract of hire shall be between you the Hirer and the Property Owner, who hereafter will be referred to as the Owner for the Property named on your confirmation. The contract of hire is not effective until written confirmation is dispatched to the Hirer by Dorset Cottage Holidays, who hereafter are referred to as DCH. DCH act as Agents for the Owner, and are not principals. The contract of hire is for holiday purposes only.
2.1 Upon receipt of a completed booking form or online booking request and deposit payment, DCH will issue a Holiday Confirmation Form to the Hirer and a binding contract will exist between the Hirer and the Property Owner subject to these terms and conditions.
2.2. Where DCH have not received the balance of the holiday cost by the due date (i.e, eight weeks before the start of the holiday) an overdue reminder letter will be issued to the Hirer. If the balance is not received within ten days DCH on behalf of the Property Owner reserve the right to cancel the holiday booking and to keep the deposit paid by the Hirer and the Hirer shall have no claim against the Property Owner or DCH for compensation or reimbursement whatsoever.
2.3 VAT where applicable is included in the cottage rental. DCH confirmations are not VAT invoices.
2.4 All damages and breakages to the property or its contents (including bed linen) are the legal responsibility of you, the Hirer, and should be notified to DCH by the end of your holiday. We do reserve the right to charge for extra cleaning, excessive damage and the Owner may at their discretion, refuse further bookings.
Security Fee:
2.5. If you are paying by bank transfer or cheque you should pay the damages fee with the deposit of the holiday, this cost is advertised in the property pricing schedule and in your confirmation. The security fee shall be refunded fifteen days after the holiday ends, provided that there is no damage caused to the property (above the amount stipulated in clause 2.8), no extra cleaning is required or excessive heating used. If any works or replacement items are required at the property, DCH reserve the right to use the security fee to cover all damages (above the amount stipulated in clause 2.8) and/or extra cleaning, this will be at our sole discretion without prior contact, except to confirm the amount that has been deducted and the reason why.
2.6.1 If you pay for your holiday via credit card, you hereby agree that we may securely retain your card details and at our sole discretion deduct the security fee, as advertised in the property pricing schedule and in your confirmation, within 30 days of your holiday end date. Furthermore you now give your permission for this deduction, at our sole discretion without contacting you, except to confirm the amount that has been deducted and the reason why.
2.6.2 If you disagree with a security fee deduction, you can escalate the complaint to a manager in writing at DCH by emailing [email protected]. They will make a decision and if you choose to escalate the complaint, you will accept their final decision.
2.7 The Owner reserves the right to take possession of the Property during your period of hire should you or any member of your party cause excessive damage. The Owner will not be liable to repay any refund in this circumstance.
Damage Waiver Fee:
2.8 The Accidental Damage Deposit Waiver is a non-refundable payment by you to Dorset Cottage Holidays and is in addition to the Security Fee. The Accidental Damage Deposit Waiver covers the costs of making good any loss or damage to the Property and/or its contents caused through act or omission during the period of the Booking by you or other members of your party up to the value of the the £300 for the booked Property. Where any such damage caused exceeds this amount, you agree to cover the cost and pay Dorset Cottage Holidays as per clause 2.5 above. Criminal or willful damage will not be covered by the Accidental Damage Deposit Waiver and this will be determined by Dorset Cottage Holidays. This fee only covers damage, it will not cover cleaning fees over and above the norm.
3.1 The Hirer must notify DCH immediately and in writing of any intention to cancel the holiday. The cancellation only takes effect where DCH have received written confirmation from the Hirer. The property will then immediately be made available for re-let.
3.2. DCH do not offer holiday cancellation insurance and it is advised that all Hirer take independent advice on an appropriate holiday insurance policy.
3.3 DCH will offer full refund of payments for bookings that are cancelled more than 45 days from the start of the holiday, excluding the booking fee and accidental damage waiver fee.
3.4 DCH will offer a 50% refund (exc booking fee) should the Hirer cancel 14 – 45 days prior to the holiday. The holiday may be offered at a reduced rate (at the discretion of DCH) in order to increase chance of re-let. If we re-let at 100% you will be offered a full refund minus booking fee.
3.5 Any cancellations made 14 days or less prior to arrival will be offered no refund except for reasons outlined in these terms.
3.6 DCH will offer a full refund (exc booking fee) when a NAMED party member (name provided to DCH at time of booking) contracts corona-virus. A PCR test will be required as proof of test positive, the PCR test must be dated within 10 days of the holiday start date. A lateral flow test will not be sufficient proof.
3.7 DCH will offer a full refund (exc booking fee) should local or national Government impose a lockdown that prohibits Hirer arrival.
3.8. DCH will offer a full refund (exc booking fee) should any NAMED guest or lead party member require an overnight stay in hospital that would prohibit Hirer arrival. DCH will also offer a full refund (exc booking fee) should any NAMED party member or lead party member require ongoing hospital care that would prohibit their stay. The lead party must provide written evidence of said hospital stay and this will not cover pre-existing medical conditions.
3.9. NAMED party members are deemed as guests named by the lead party at the time of booking.
3.91 DCH will not offer a refund because of family illness or death – the Hirer should take out cancellation insurance for this eventuality.
3.92. DCH will not cover cancellation due ongoing illness diagnosis for the Hirer, guest or any family member – the Hirer should take out cancellation insurance for this eventuality. The only exception would be if Clause 3.8 applies.
4.1 In the unlikely event of the property Owner being unable to provide the holiday accommodation offered, DCH on behalf of the property Owner shall use their reasonable endeavours to arrange alternative accommodation of an equivalent type and standard in a similar location. If this is not acceptable to the Hirer then the Hirer may require payment by DCH on behalf of the property Owners of all monies paid which shall be forthwith refunded. DCH and The Owner do not accept any liability other than the repayment of monies, which have previously been paid to them.
5.1 Whilst to the best of DCH knowledge the details described in the property literature and/or website are correct at the time of publishing the property Owner reserves the right to make alterations to the property at any time and DCH will endeavour to inform the Hirer of any such alterations. Any alterations to the property will not degrade the property in any way.
5.2. DCH cannot accept responsibility for any changes or closures to local area amenities or attractions mentioned in the website or literature. DCH nor the Owner can be held responsible for breakdown or loss due to loss of utilities or act of god.
5.3 WIFI – Neither DCH nor the Owner can be held responsible for the speed of WIFI supplied. Furthermore the Owner will not be liable to offer any compensation due to loss of service, which is beyond their control. DCH are not able to offer technical advice in the event of loss of service for whatever reason.
5.4 DCH are not liable for noise disturbance from neighbours or scheduled works to nearby properties. If DCH are advised of any works in the immediate area, they will add this information to the Property description but the Hirer must appreciate that we and the Property Owner are not always advised by third parties.
The Hirer confirms and agrees as follows: –
6.1 The Hirer will ensure that the property is securely locked when not occupied during the holiday let.
6.2. To use the property solely for the purpose of a holiday by the Hirer and his or her party.
6.3. Limit the number of occupants to the number stipulated in the website or in the property details and the party to the list of people detailed on the booking form. DCH on behalf of the property Owner reserves the right to refuse admittance to the holiday property where this condition is not observed.
6.4. Show due consideration to other parties. If the Hirer abuses the property or displays dangerous, offensive behaviour to the property, Owner or DCH or any third parties e.g. neighbours then DCH and the property Owner have the right to ask the Hirer to leave the holiday accommodation before the end of the holiday period.
6.5. If for any reason the holiday shall be terminated by DCH and/or the property Owner then the Hirer shall have no claim against the property Owner for compensation or reimbursement whatsoever.
6.6. Keep the property and all furniture, utensils, equipment, fixtures and fittings in or on the property in the same state of repair and condition as at the commencement of the holiday and to ensure that at the end of the holiday the property is in left in the state and cleanliness in which it was found. DCH on behalf of the property Owner reserve the right to levy an additional charge for extra cleaning required after the Hirer occupancy.
6.7. Report as soon as possible to DCH any breakages or damage caused by the Hirer during the holiday. DCH reserves the right to make a claim against the Hirer for repair and costs as a result of such damage.
6.7.1 To ensure that children are supervised at all times.
6.8. Where pets are permitted they shall not be left unattended and shall not be allowed on the furniture and must sleep on bedding provided by the Hirer. The Hirer shall be liable for any damage caused by pets. DCH give no warranty that the garden is secure for a pet or pets and Hirers should check boundaries on arrival.
6.8.1 The Hirer confirms that any pets brought into the Property have been treated for and free from fleas.
6.9. Where a property is designated non-smoking then the Hirer and his or her party shall refrain from smoking on the property, including the gardens. This will include smoking of vapes and e-cigerettes.
6.9.1 If a Property is thatched the Hirer further agrees to refrain from using a BBQ any naked flame (except where a woodburner is provided). Candles must not be used in any of our holiday cottages. Without exception guests must vacate by 10 am on the day of departure. Failure to depart on time where a cleaner is delayed will result in a charge of £20 per hour or part thereof.
6.9.2 The Hirer agrees to use any safety equipment provided, including Fire Guards.
6.9.3 The Hirer agreed to recompense DCH £20 should they request items to be returned in the post. This is to cover retrieval, packing, postage and staff hours.
6.9.4 If a guest loses the cottages keys or locks themselves out of the Holiday Property, they agree to compensate the Property Owner £25.
6.9.5 The Hirer agrees to use plastic mattress protectors, where they think necessary.
6.9.6 The Hirer agrees to park their vehicles in a sensible location and with due consideration to the Property Neighbours. Please avoid parking over driveways or in turning circles.
6.9.7 The Hirer agrees that they may not charge an electric car (apart from at those cottages with an approved and DCH advertised charging point, for which a charge may be levied) at the holiday cottage. If you have booked a holiday cottage with a charging point you must use manufacturer approved charging cables. A failure to comply with this Clause will result in a £100 charge being levied. Any damage caused by unsafe or unauthorised charging, electrical damage to the property caused by charging, system overload, use of a standard extension lead will be covered by the Hirer.
7.1 The Owner warrants that where applicable, the Holiday Home will have carried out the following inspections:
Gas Safe Certification
Annual Pat Test
Annual Chimney Sweep
Fire Risk Assessment
Access Statement
Compliant with all statutory safety obligations
7.2 The Property Owner agrees that they will make the Hirer aware of any building works that may affect their stay. If the Property Owner only becomes aware of works after a Hirer has booked, they will not be liable to offer any compensation.
8.1. Any dispute shall be settled in accordance with English law. Any dispute will be heard in the jurisdiction area of the Property hired.
8.1.1 If the Hirer finds cleaning standard to be unsatisfactory, they must report this to DCH to enable them to rectify the situation within 24 hours of arrival by either phoning our offices on 01929 481547 or out of office hours on 07704 524647. If DCH are able to address the issues within 24 hours, no compensation will be due.
8.1.2 DCH are the appointed Agent by the Property Owner. They are contracted to offer assistance to the Hirer during their stay. We reserve the right to withdraw this assistance as a result of aggressive behaviour from the Hirer or their party.
8.2. In the event of there being any complaint by the Hirer, this must be reported to DCH during your stay so that they may be thoroughly investigated. Where appropriate the Hirer will allow DCH to attend at the Property to investigate any complaint. DCH will not enter into correspondence, if a complaint is only reported after departure or attendance by DCH is not permitted.
8.3 Written details of the complaint should be received by DCH within seven days of the end of the holiday period and such complaint shall be investigated as soon as possible by DCH, who will forward the complaint to The Owner for response. DCH will act as intermediary only, the Owners email address will be available on request.
8.4. DCH cannot guarantee the security of any vehicles or personal possessions left at the property or in the garden or driveway of the property from any cause whatsoever.
These Booking Conditions supersede all previous issues.
We take your privacy seriously, if you would like to view our privacy policy please goto https://dhcottages.co.uk/dorset-cottage-holidays-privacy-statement/